

Osteopathy is evidence-based complementary medicine, involving manual therapy and health care.

Osteopaths use a combination of manual therapy, exercises & rehab, education & lifestyle advice to assist the body with musculoskeletal pain & injury, disease, trauma and preventative care.

Osteopaths address the whole body and person through detailed history taking, assessment & diagnosis. They then apply various techniques which treat muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints and fascia to support the body’s self-healing mechanism, relieve pain, discomfort and improve function and mobility. 

At Aēsara Health, our osteopath endeavours to find the true cause of your pain, and works with you to create an individualised treatment plan. The goal is to address your health requirements and support your recovery through education, rehabilitation, and lifestyle advice.

The principles of Osteopathy:

  1. The unity of the body - an integrated organism in which no part functions independently.

  2. Self-regulatory & self-healing systems - the body has an inherent capacity to maintain its own health and to heal itself.

  3. Structure & function is interrelated - the structure of the body (joints, muscles, tendons etc) affects how well the body is able to function (movement, digestion, breathing, mood).

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Osteopaths use a variety of techniques within treatment, such as:

  • Soft tissue massage

  • Myofascial release

  • Joint articulation

  • Stretching 

  • Dry Needling 

  • Muscle Energy Techniques 

  • Joint manipulation

  • Trigger point therapy 

  • Counterstrain 

What conditions do osteopaths commonly see?

Osteopaths treat a range of conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Postural complaints

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Jaw (TMJ) pain

  • Neck pain and whiplash

  • Upper back pain

  • Rib dysfunctions

  • Conditions related to pregnancy (pre and postnatal)

  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

  • Lower back & SIJ pain, sciatica 

  • Disc injuries

  • Women's health conditions

  • Arthritis and joint pain/stiffness

  • Shoulder pain, including rotator cuff injuries

  • Hip and pelvic pain

  • Knee pain

  • Tendinopathies

  • Sporting injuries

  • Muscle tears/strains 

  • Sinus congestion and pain

What can you expect from your osteopathic appointment?

Before you come to your initial consultation

  • Please wear loose and comfortable clothing on the day of treatment.

  • For females, sports bras aren’t recommended.

  • A new patient form will be emailed to you prior to your appointment, if you could please fill this out beforehand this will allow for more time in your appointment. 

  • If you have any relevant scans, please bring them along to your appointment or let us know prior and we can retrieve the relevant report/s.

During the treatment 

  • A thorough case history is taken, including past medical history and lifestyle-related questions.

  • This is followed by a physical assessment, and a relevant orthopedic and osteopathic examination is performed. 

  • You may be required to remove clothing if comfortable.

  • All findings and proposed working diagnosis will be discussed before any treatment commences. 

  • Treatment involves hands-on techniques to improve pain, range of motion, balance and function. 

After the treatment 

  • Most people feel relaxed and relieved after treatment, with increased mobility and decreased levels of pain. 

  • Sleepiness is common after your treatment, as your nervous system has relaxed and healing has commenced. It is recommended to have a quiet or relaxed day planned after your treatment. 

  • Increased water intake is recommended after treatment, as well as a healthy meal within an hour after treatment to aid healing and decrease inflammation. 

  • Some post-treatment tenderness and inflammation can be experienced for 24-48hrs after your appointment, this is normal. If pain exceeds 48hrs or is concerning you, please contact your osteopath.

  • Within 24hrs of your appointment, a treatment report will be emailed to you which will outline the discussed diagnosis, treatment goals and relevant exercises and advice.

 Meet Our Northcote Osteopaths

Headshot of Tara Neyland, Osteopath

Tara Neyland | Osteopath

Headshot of Julia Arnold

Julia Arnold | Osteopath